This last weekend was so draining, but it was worth it because I feel like I accomplished so much.
I drove to four (yes, FOUR!) different Home Depots and two different Lowe's over the course of the weekend, all in the quest to get the yard lights that I needed for my landscaping project. Wouldn't you know I needed 17 of these lights, and the most any of the stores near me had was six. I quite literally bought every last one of these things between the four stores I visited, and the Lowe's stops were to find a transformer to handle all the juice needed (200W is too little, and the next one up at Home Depot was 900W, which is waaaaay overkill).
We finally found a 600W transformer who's box hadn't been mangled and still had all the directions and whatnot inside (you'd be amazed how difficult it seems to be to find products that haven't been tampered with in some way, shape, or form at these stores. It's unbelievable what people will do to items they don't intend to buy!) I'm glad we found everything we needed but after spending a whole afternoon in the Land of Men, I needed a beer.
We're in what feels like the home stretch with landscaping the yard, but I'm hesitant to even say that because every time I think we're close something doesn't go exactly the way we planned it would, and suddenly we have a few more days of work to finish what seemed like a simple task when we started. The silver lining to all this is it's giving me that much more time to contemplate my plant choices, and I'm much more confident in what I'll be putting into the ground than I was a week ago. I've decided to go the drought tolerant route since we don't get a lot of rain in CA typically, and water prices were just raised (again) in San Diego county.
Progress is visible after this weekend though, the roses are now in the ground! (although the below pic was taken right before they were planted...)
While we were staging them for planting a neighbor passed by walking his dog, and he stopped and told me, "what you guys are doing looks so good! We all love what you've done with the place, it's absolutely beautiful!" I was so proud at that moment, because when you hear things like that from strangers it's such a good feeling. The real icing on the cake though was as he was walking away, he said, "your house is the crown jewel of the neighborhood!"
The Crown Jewel!
Nothing could have made me happier than hearing that! My heart nearly burst from my chest with pride. Not only did that mean that my neighbors appreciated all the work I've put into the house... that meant whoever wrote that nasty gram was wrong. I am a good neighbor. And maybe if they’d taken the time to knock on my door and introduce themselves, ask my name and find out what my plans for the house were, they would have found that out first hand.
Instead of assuming I was a deadbeat and leaving a nasty note in my mailbox.
In addition to finishing up the yard, I now have to put thought into how I want the garage laid out for when the electrician comes out to hook up the sprinkler and light timers in there. Because naturally, there are no existing outlets on the wall that the timers need to go on. Because that would be too easy (perhaps my next tutorial will be on Garage Organization 101?)
After all this designing, contemplating, trial and error, I feel like I need my own show on HGTV...
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