Monday, March 15, 2010

daylight spending

One of the perks of being a military wife? Lots and lots of "me" time. One of the downsides to being a military wife? Lots and lots of “me” time... :P

D's in the field for a week, so that means the usual schedule is out the window and we're on me time (woo hoo!) Friday was our six month anniversary, and while we didn't celebrate per se it did mark a milestone in our relationship: it's the longest period of uninterrupted time that we've ever spent together (crazy, right?) These work-ups are going to become more frequent as we get into the summer, so I’ll have more than my share of me time before the year is up.

Today was the first weekday since the time change, and coming home while it was still light out was particularly nice. On the agenda this week: running after work (in Torrey Pines because it won't be dark!), laundry, cleaning, errands, and a little closet cleaning if I can get around to it.

Bring on the week!! I’m ready for ya!

Friday, March 12, 2010

cheese & crackers

Goat cheese to be precise.

It's after 7p on Friday night, and I'm sitting on the couch with the cat.

Eating cheese and crackers.

Wondering when my husband is going to get home... I'm making my homemade vegetable soup for dinner tonight (yum!) but don't want to start anything until he's here so he can enjoy the process with me.

(What? I like to have someone to talk to while I cook...)

Gotta love life in the fast lane: a home cooked meal in, vegging on the couch in our sweats with Netflix. (at least, that’s the plan once hubs gets home…)  ;)